Judith Phillips

Client Service Associate

Judith Phillips is a Client Service Associate with Pointer Financial Group. Judith has worked in administration in finance, health care, and tax over the last 20 years and has a deep appreciation for excellent customer service and attention to detail. She is passionate about financial security and enjoys helping clients on the path to better financial health.


Judith is a long-term resident of Greenfield, WI although she is originally from Kentucky. Her family is a multi-generational military family with her grandfather, father, two brothers, and three of her children all serving in the armed forces.


Judith is also an advocate for living organ donation. She loves spending times outdoors with her kids exploring and learning as well as cheering them on in all of their activities. She is very active in her church and parish school and volunteers extensively.

Contact Information:

P: 414-253-2184
E: jphillips@pointerfg.com